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Climate Smart Practices Forum

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Connecting Land Agriculture with Blue Economy and Role of Digitalisation

Empowering and Decarbonising Asia’s Agriculture

20 November 2024 (Wed), 10am – 12.30pm

Sandbox One @ AFTEA 2024

Climate change and food and nutrition security are two critical challenges facing our time. Today, the global agrifood system emits one-third of all emissions. Global population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. Food systems also use 70% of fresh water. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) concept has emerged as a holistic approach to end food security and promote sustainable development while addressing the climate change issues. This Forum serves as a knowledge exchange platform on CSA best practices by convening regional stakeholders – policy makers, rural governments, farm owners and operators, agrifood tech companies, thinktanks, development banks, commodity traders, amongst others. It also catalyses collaborations, showcases innovations and facilitates investments across the agrifood value chain. 

Our Speakers

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2024 Programme

Note: Programme is updated as of 4 Sep 2024 and subject to change without prior notice.


10.00 AM

Welcome Remarks

10.05 AM

Keynote: Climate-Smart Agriculture – Empowering and Decarbonising Asia’s Agriculture

10.15 AM

Panel Session: Connecting Land Agriculture with Blue Economy – A Novel Approach to Unlock Opportunities

Aquaculture and blue foods are increasingly gaining recognition for its vital role benefiting incomes, restoring ocean ecosystem and ensuring food and nutrition security. Climate-smart agricultural practices, similarly, have gained traction in Asia economies. Innovative rice-shrimp model made headlines recently. Seaweed revolution is afoot. What potential opportunities are there if we connect agriculture with blue economy, from circularity, climate adaption, nutrition to decarbonisation perspectives?

Key takeaways: the panel will spark refreshing ideas and opportunities when we connect agriculture with blue economy. 



Lesly Goh, Bellagio Resident, Rockefeller Foundation (moderator)

Utari Octavianty, Chief Sustainability Officer, Aruna

Duke Diskul, CEO, Mae Fah Luang Foundation

Fay Fay Choo, Asia Cocoa Director, Mars

Simon Davis, CEO, Seadling

11.15 AM

Special Presentation


Prof Kaiyu Guan, Founding Director of Agroecosystem Sustainability Centre, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

11.25 AM

Panel Session: Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System – for Food Security

Digital technologies can profoundly change and enable CSA. These include data analytics to generate insights and recommendations for improving agricultural productivity, efficiency and sustainability; digital financial services to enable farmers to access credit; digital platforms to connect with agents and experts, amongst others.

Key takeaways: the panel session will discuss and explore various applications and benefits of digital technologies in agri-food system.



Prof Kaiyu Guan, Founding Director of Agroecosystem Sustainability Centre, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (moderator)

Ferron Haryanto, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, eKomoditi Southeast Asia

Sheetal Sharma, Head of Innovations, RIZE

Insan Syafaat, Executive Director, PISAgro

12.25 PM

Closing Remarks