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Competition T&Cs

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Agri-Food Innovation World Championship - Terms & Conditions



(the “Competition”)


(the “Rules”)


This Competition is jointly organised by Innovate 360 and Constellar Exhibitions Pte Ltd (the “Organisers”).

The aim of these Rules is to set out the terms and conditions governing your participation in the Competition. By participating in this Competition, you fully and unconditionally agree to comply with these Rules.  If you do not agree with any of these Rules, do not register for this Competition and do not submit an entry.



Organisers (the “Organisers”):

Constellar is Asia's preferred partner for convening businesses, curating ideas and creating opportunities for sustainable business growth and global impact. Based in Singapore with a regional footprint in China and Malaysia, Constellar curates and develop influential trade and consumer events for key industries, connecting global marketplaces in sectors such as fintech, industrial transformation and ESG.

Innovate 360 is Singapore’s first food accelerator with facilities and venture capitalist, recognised as a technology partner by Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Policy Partnership on Food Security. It is backed by third generation, 75-year-old food business and is supported by Enterprise Singapore.


1.     TERM

This Competition begins on 21 August 2024, 00:00 [GMT+8] and ends on  21 November 2024, 17:00 [GMT+8]. The Application Phase within the Competition will run from 21 August 2024, 00:00 [GMT+8] to 30 September 2024, 23:59 [GMT+8]. During the Application Phase, the submission form will be accessible 24 hours a day on the dedicated Competition website operated by Constellar (“the Competition Website”), subject to IT maintenance operations.



Any eligible person who enrols to participate in the Competition (“Participant” or “You”), is required to review and accept these Rules. By accessing and accepting these Rules, You are deemed to have:

  • entered into a valid and enforceable contract with the Organisers; and
  • fully and unconditionally agreed to comply with these Rules.

In the event of any breach of these Rules, the Participant will be immediately disqualified from the Competition and no prize will be awarded to such disqualified Participants.



To participate in the Competition, the Organisers must receive your completed registration by 30 September 2024, 23:59 [GMT+8].

To register, the Participant must complete an application form accessible from the Competition website, and must have truthfully and accurately provided the information required in the form.

Any registration based on inaccurate, false, or incomplete information may result in the Participant’s disqualification. The Organisers reserve the right to request for supporting documents to verify the Participant’s particulars.



This Competition is open solely to:

  • Business entities, regardless of their business area. Startups may be required, in the Organisers’ sole discretion, to provide proof of (i) company registration by submitting a registration certificate issued within the last three (3) months, or ongoing company registration/business profile, or any trade registry and proof ensuring the registration of the entity in the relevant country.

[Note: “Startup” is defined as companies incorporated 5 years or less, less than 50 staff, less than S$50million annual sales revenue, and not a subsidiary of a group that does not fit above sales and staff criteria.]

This Competition is not open to employees and representatives of the Organisers and the members of their families.

There is no cost to participate in the Competition. However, startups shortlisted for the Heats stage in Singapore during AFTEA 2024 will have to bear their own travel and accommodation costs, if applicable.

Additionally, shortlisted start-ups are required to book a kiosk in the AFTEA 2024 startup zone at a rate of SGD3,000 per kiosk. A separate Exhibitor Participation Agreement will be signed, with relevant T&Cs to be complied. 

All participants must submit their Deliverables in English and must be able to pitch and answer Q&A in English at the Heats and Final rounds.



During the registration process, Participants must designate an individual who is part of the company for contact purposes with the Organisers. The Participant represents and warrants to the Organisers that such person (i) is an authorized representative of the Participant; and (ii) has obtained all necessary approvals to enter the Competition. Such person must also be involved in the presentation of the Project as set out in paragraph 7(A).



Participants must upload their project-related documents (e.g. presentations, videos) to the Competition Website. To be eligible, deliverables must:

  1. Address issues that are under the defined broad categories.
  2. Be in a common digital format (e.g., PDF/MP4) and in English.
  3. Comply with competition rules.

Deliverables will be disqualified if they are not downloadable, incorrectly formatted, or illegible. The content must be original to the startup, or if third-party content is included, all rights and permissions must be obtained. The deliverable must not infringe on any third-party rights. Participants are responsible for all submission costs and bear the risk of any submission issues.



Competition Rounds. The Competition consists of:

1.      Qualifiers – Deliverables will be accepted from 21 August 202400:00 [GMT+8] to 30 September 2024, 23:59 [GMT+8].

Up to 70 teams will be pre-selected to proceed into Heats.

2.     Heats (Round One) – 19 November 2024

All teams are required to be at the Venue to pitch to a panel of judges. Each team will be allotted a maximum of 3 minutes to pitch.

At the end of Heats (Round One), the top 8 teams will progress into the Finals.

3.    Heats (Round Two) – 20 November 2024, Morning

In this round, all total of 32 teams are required to be at the Venue to pitch to a panel of judges. Each team will be allotted a maximum of 3 minutes to pitch.

At the end of Heats (Round Two), the top 8 teams will progress into the Finals.

4.     Finals – 20 November 2024, Afternoon

All 8 teams are required to be at the Venue to pitch to a panel of judges. Each team will be allotted 5 minutes to pitch, followed by 3 minutes of Q&A.

At the end of the competition, the top 3 teams will be awarded.

Deliverable. If a participant fails to upload a deliverable by the deadline, they will be considered withdrawn from the competition and will not be able to rejoin or receive any compensation from the organizers.

Selection. Deliverables will be judged according to the selection criteria described below, and at the sole discretion of the Organisers.

Notification to Participants. Once selection has been completed, Participants will be notified by email, phone, or by other means of the results of each Round. The Organisers may, in their sole discretion, alter the dates on which results are released. The ranking decided by the final jury will be announced on the day that presentations are made and will identify the Participants that are finalists.


A.   Qualifying

All Deliverables must be submitted by 30 September 2024, 23:59 [GMT+8]. Deliverables must meet the specifications set out in Section 6, above, and include:

1. A presentation of their Project, in English and produced in PDF format with up to 10 slides to explain their business: 

  • Problem Statement
  • Solution
  • Market Opportunity
  • Business Model
  • Business/revenue model
  • Traction: KPI metrics & milestones
  • Financial Projections
  • Team presentation
  • Relevance to agri-food or agri-tech

2. A video presentation link of no more than 3 minutes explaining the startup’s concept, market potential, and business model, with a focus on agri-food or agri-tech solutions.

3. Pre-selection phase will proceed as follows:

“Criteria based” scoring will take place from [date].

The Judges (the “Judges”) may evaluate and select the Deliverables based on their content and the following criteria:

  • Innovativeness (20%)
  • Impact of solution (20%)
  • Differentiation from existing solutions (20%)
  • Feasibility to commercialise and expand (20%)
  • Investment potential (20%)

Up to 70 teams will be selected to go to the Heats which will be held in Singapore at AFTEA 2024, at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre (Hall C), on 19 November 2024. Teams will need to present in English.

Participants will be informed of the results of shortlist on [7 October 2024].


8.     PRIZES

The winners will receive cash prizes and investment term sheets worth up to S$2 million, subject to the due diligence review and awarding VC’s terms. The cash prizes will be unveiled in coming weeks.



The Organisers has no obligation to keep the information contained in the Deliverables confidential. When submitting any Deliverables, the Participant agrees that any information contained therein may be publicly disclosed by the Organisers.



The Participant warrants and represents that it owns all legal and beneficial interest, including any intellectual property rights, in the Deliverables.

By participating in the Competition, the Participant grants to the Organisers a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, transferable licence to use the Deliverables for the purposes of the Competition, compliance/reporting, and general publicity in relation to their involvement in the Competition.

Each party (or its licensors as applicable) shall retain ownership and all rights, title and interest in and to its respective intellectual property which were existing prior to this Agreement, or intellectual property developed, licensed or acquired by or on behalf of a party or its licensors independently from this Agreement, including all adaptations, derivations and variations (collectively “Pre-Existing IP”). Unless expressly authorised in writing, a party shall not be entitled to use the other party’s Pre-Existing IP for any purpose.



The Organisers reserve the right to amend these Rules at any time, including the Competition duration in case of operational imperatives, without prior notice to Participants.

Participants are encouraged to regularly review the rules. They waive any claims against amendments made by the organizers. If any part of the rules is deemed illegal or unenforceable by a court, that specific part will be void, but the rest of the rules will still apply.



  1. The Participant shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the Organisers from and against all actions, claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses, losses and proceedings which the Organisers may suffer/incur in connection with or arising from:

(a)   any infringement of intellectual property rights by the Participant or its Representatives;

(b)   any third-party action, claim or proceeding arising out of or in connection with any intellectual property rights provided by the Participant under this Agreement; and/or

(c)   any violation of any applicable laws by the Participant and/or its Representatives.

  1. The Organisers shall not be liable to the Participant for (a) any loss of profit; and/or (b) any consequential, incidental, indirect, punitive and/or special losses or damages, howsoever arising.
  1. For the purposes of these Rules, “Representatives” shall mean, in relation to the Participant:

(a)   its directors, employees and/or officers;

(b)   its affiliates and/or their respective directors, officers and/or employees; and/or

(c)   its advisers, consultants, contractors (including sub-contractors), agents, servants, suppliers.



  1. For the purposes of this section, “Competition Data” shall mean all information and data relating to or in connection with the Competition, including but not limited to personal data and business contact information of delegates, exhibitors, media, partners, speakers, sponsors, supporting organisations, and visitors which are collected, created or generated by any party. Competition Data shall also include any information submitted by you during registration.
  1. All Competition Data created, developed and/or generated by the you and/or your Representatives shall be and remain, at all times, the sole property of the Organisers. For avoidance of doubt, the Competition Data is deemed as confidential information of the Organisers.
  1. You shall comply, and shall procure your Representatives involved in connection with the Competition to comply, with:

(a)   the privacy policies of the Constellar Group (as published on their corporate websites), which (i) may be amended from time to time) and (ii) are deemed incorporated by reference into these rules; and

(b)   all legal requirements and standards in relation to data protection and privacy under applicable laws,

(collectively “Data Protection Requirements”).

  1. The Organisers shall have the right to take photographs, record audio and/or video, reproduce and/or distribute the same in any form/format (“Photography and Recording Materials”). You acknowledge and consent that the Organisers may use the Photography and Recording Materials and/or any other Competition Data:

(a)         to fulfil their obligations in relation to the Competition;

(b)         to generate publicity for the Competition and future editions thereof, whether held locally or overseas;

(c)         for the business portfolio of the Organisers; and/or

(d)         for general marketing in relation to the businesses of the Organisers.

  1. For the avoidance of doubt, these Photography and Recording Materials shall form part of the Competition Data.
  1. For more details of Constellar’s Privacy Policy, please click here.



The Competition and these Rules shall be governed by the laws applicable in Singapore. The Courts of Singapore shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes relating to the Competition and/or these Rules.



Current as of 19 August 2024.